Saturday, April 5, 2008

#253: The Power of Voting

"...think about that the next time a friend asks you to help him/her out by voting for him/her...

Ok fine, I didn't mean to sound harsh... But seriously people... If there's anything you learn from reading my blog, learn that every vote counts... YOUR vote counts...

I believe we vote for things more important than videos of course... We also vote for things like ELECTIONS...

May this be a lesson to all you!

Not only in votes, but in everything... YOUR contribution counts! YOU can make all the difference..."

As our favorite Indian has stressed, never underestimate the power of voting! Look what it cost Barisan Na 'Weighing Scale'. It's at times like these you learn to value and appreciate the contribution of every single member of a team or (supporting) party. Even through all those persecuting years in Sunday School and even now in Youth Church, this principle is shown through God's grace and revelation that He has a specific, special plan in store for every single one of us...

You don't really see where I'm getting to, are you?

You will, soon. Just a quick recap. The lesson learnt today is: Your vote counts!

Ok. Moving on...

My Submission

Ta-dah! Since a project I'd chose rather not to reveal did not go as planned, simply speaking, I've redirected my graphic designing powers to Threadless. (Old and faithful blog readers may remember a short 'Threadless submission craze') And yes, as I've stressed in the last paragraph, your vote, something I dearly need, is important!

All it will cost you is a few minutes that you have to sacrifice a YouTube video for to sign up and vote for my design! Visit NOW, get yourself an account, and vote!

P/S- Should you have any trouble signing up and voting for MY particular design, not to worry! A 'how to' post (along with color pictures) will be up here in the next few days!

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