Monday, April 7, 2008

#254: How To Vote For My Threadless Design

If you had read my previous post and, being a nice person, wanted to vote for me but didn't know how, there is still hope! Read on!

Step 1
Go to ''

Step 2
Click on 'Login/Join'

Step 3
Fill in the form with your details

Step 4 After filling in the details, click 'Join Threadless!!'

Step 5

A confirmation letter will be sent to your email with a link in it.

Step 6
Click on the link in your email...

Step 7
...Which will lead you to a web page where you log in with your registered username and password.

Step 8
You are logged in! Where you can really make sure by checking that Threadless greets you with your username at the top right corner of the screen.

Step 9
Go to my design link (

Step 10
On the right of my design, there will be numbers of 0-5. That will be the score you will be giving my design. And since we're friends, click on 5, okay? :)

There you have it: 10 simple steps to contributing to my design's chances of getting printed. Vote away!


P/S- After scoring my design (you gave me a '5' right?), you will be greeted with a submission by another Threadless hopeful. You can choose to continue scoring, or exit that window/tab, BUT only if you've scored mine already!

Remember, every vote is important! Including yours!

Many thanks, amigos!

My Submission

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