Wednesday, March 12, 2008

#242: Pictures From Langkawi: Part 2

...right where we left.

Galeria Perdana (A museum of collections of gifts and awards given to Dr. Mahathir)

Also a perfect place to mess around at.

Notice my skin being redder than a baboon's butt due to the scorching sun and Andrea's hotness.

Cable Car Ride

If you're not the type to get afraid of heights, you'd be treated to an amazing breathtaking view of the island.

But should you be faint-hearted...

Just close your eyes and pretend you're on... something not so scary.

The 'Break Stations' in between The Cable Car Ride also a good place to mess around at...

Just be careful that you don't fall down 710 meters to your death, and you'll be alright.

The Observation Bridge

...that connects two mountains, so basically you're above a valley hundreds of stories high.

I don't care if you're the most macho, bravest guy (or girl). Your legs will turn to mush when you look down.

Though the view is breathtaking. Literally.

Underwater World

And of course, what's a holiday without those 'nonsense pictures'?

Check out the Switchfoot shirt!

Thus ends the post of pictures, which were made little due to the borrowed camera's limited memory space, but enough shown to prove Langkawi was fun, Andrea was hot (not really- the picture didn't really help), and I am awesome (But who needs pictures for that eh?).

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