Tuesday, March 11, 2008

#241: Of Thrillers and Doodling

Vantage Point served up a reasonable movie. Well-knitted and cleverly written, though the ending could have used a bit more punch. Being classified as a thriller, unexpected twists and turns made up the movie. Only that I was expecting the unexpected, which I've been expecting from thrillers since Along Came A Spider. Overall a good watch, which I could ruin for you by unveiling the spoilers. But I'm not like that. 7/10.

"During first service, I caught a boy doodling all over his notebook during service. Do any of y'all doodle over your notebook during service?"
That's when my head went low and eyeballs turned to my direction.

But anyway, DOODLES!

Jian Shen drew this.

This belongs to Danielle. (Reasonably reasonable enough right?)

And who does this belong to? (Clue: It's a self-portrait!)

First one to guess the correct answer gets a prize!

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