Tuesday, February 5, 2008

#229: When Cedric Met Jon Foreman: Part 1

No. This isn't a joke. I really did. But instead of just letting you sit there, mouth gaping in awe, let me rub it in just a little for you. Let's start from the beginning.

Not really THE beginning. More like the beginning of the ending, when the concert ended. (?!) The Switchfoot aftermath was fresh and all around the air, and the crowd was to pushing queuing-up for their autographs. Thanks to my Malaysian-bred kiasu-ness AND slim-built figure, I found myself cutting lines joining a friend who was among the front portion of the queue. As I edged closer to my turn, my heartbeat was faster than Chad Butler's killer drum-sticks. I pinched myself, making sure this wasn't a dream.

2 people stood in my way from reaching my destiny. My heart-rate rose absurdly, and was still rapidly rising.

One more person. (Heart-rate rises from absurdly fast, to any-faster-and-you'll-die fast)

My turn.

Had it not been for my strong bones (Thank you Dumex 3 plus!) and muscular build, I'm almost sure my heart would have burst out of my chest and leave a bloody mess for Tim Foreman to clean up...

To be continued...
Up next: Cedric talks to Jon Foreman and company!

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