Sunday, February 10, 2008

#230: Ren Dum

Hold on to your seats, folks! Cuz I'm NOT gonna get to the part where I meet Switchfoot. Yet. (you didn't think I'd let you off this easy, did you?) But why dwell on my evil and torturous nature when I could. . . . . Oh forget it. Here's a dose of randomness for you.

To Kristy and Jean, the two super-ladies who've probably gotten too tired of Jared and decided to find refuge in the cursed land of Australia, you will be dearly missed! Bring back some candy! *grin* (I'll leave the photo uploads to Isaac Ravi. He's posted the good, the bad, and the ugly all up on his blog)

If you're wondering, why is this random? Chill out. That's the way I planned it. Start off with some emo material, and end with a 'bang'! (you'll see what I mean)

So we're in the in-between part now. Comics!

PBF Comics. Gets me every time. (Click for larger view)

Comics. What would we do without them? Well, we wouldn't have known Spiderman's cooler than Batman, we would never have known Wonder Woman and I were destined for each other, and of course, this blog post would be left an empty spot.

And put The Other Side on your reading list. That is, if you enjoy the typical Vertigo graphic novels of gore, vulgarity, and sex some other 'objectionable' content. (I read it for the art, OF COURSE) Awesome stuff.

We're at the end-of-the-middle part. Photos of random content!

-Taken at the latest ThinkTank meeting. (Thanks Josh for the pics)

Since he asked...

This never happened okay?

Now we're at the end. The Big Bang!

The Switchfoot Syndrome is still fresh and very much alive!

Podcast #30!

Now that my blogging instinct tells me that The Big Bang has had the appropriate amount of glory deserved, I'll end here. For now.

Up next: When Cedric Met Jon Foreman: Part 2! (In case you're wondering, I'm just working on a little something that would make the post all the more 'splendor-ous'. Cheers!)

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