Sunday, January 6, 2008

#216: "We'ree Awakeninnngggg!"

Follow up to previous post: In case you were doubting my faith in Switchfoot due to an expired update, you doubted wrong.

No, this isn't some ad spoof or fantasy lived out on Photoshop, this is FOR REAL. Call me kiasu, but I wasn't on planning on this update till I was sure of the availability of MY tickets. Yes. MY.

And now that I'm assured (or I'll sue Axcess Ticketing) of my tickets, here I am, all ecstatic at the prospect of rocking at Switchfoot's concert.

Sure, the non-believers may be shrugging and wondering what's up with all the hype, but here's how it goes: I have a list (NOT written on paper) of my 'Lifetime Dreams'. All fairly realistic and achievable, do not worry, man of little faith (notice how I still manage to apply Scripture to a blog post?).
  • Marry a baker
  • Own and drive a Volkswagen van
  • Attend a Switchfoot concert
  • Watch an Arsenal match live
  • Illustrate a children's book
-Not in order of importance

And what I have here is a possible...

  • Marry a baker
  • Own and drive a Volkswagen van
  • Attend a Switchfoot concert
  • Watch an Arsenal match live
  • Illustrate a children's book

So I believe you have a better understanding of my hype and ecstasy. I'll see you rocking out on February second, guys!

The angels sing in harmonious chorus,
The saints shall rejoice,
For Switchfoot's coming over here,
Prepare to lose your voice.

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