Tuesday, January 8, 2008

#217: Superhero Month

January is the time of the year where love blossoms, lo mai kai abounds, and three of the most elite league of divine superheroes were born...

January 5th

  • Protects herself from the public eye by disguising as Elselyn, a super hot Malaysian-Dutch girl
  • Superpowers include ultra-wave-releasing-laughter and unbeatable bimbo-ness
  • Weaknesses are THE FINGER and extremely good-looking 16 year-old artists *wink*

-Wonder Jonny Boom Boom
  • Alter-ego Jonathan, an innocent, blur 17 year-old student
  • Ability to look skinny and tall among his arsenal of superpowers
  • Recently discovered chemical GoReAbCoEn- one of his rare weaknesses
  • Gets his name from... err... THOSE 'boom boom's

  • Also known as Joseph Wong- Extremely brilliant yet anxious homeschooler/nerd.
  • Superpowers include super appetite and scoring chicks guys
  • Weaknesses are nipple cripples and shoes that are cooler than his own

To three of the most noble, just people I've EVER known *wink*, HAPPY BIRTHDAY(s)! You guys are plain awesome.

My birthday is on the 24th of April.

I just thought I'd let you all know.

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