Saturday, January 5, 2008

#215: "Here we are now in the falling sky and the rain..."

I lean back on the chair my bony buttock rests on. I stretch my spine and let out a loud sigh.

This chair could use a cushion.

But instead of abandoning my sitting poise to look for a piece of cloth stuffed with feathers, I transfer the very little energy I have left in me to my hand and to the tip of my fingers. There I use all my might, to control the mouse of my computer and position the cursor over Windows Media Player. I grimace. My energy is draining with every ounce of strength I use to press the mouse button.


A new window appears on my desktop almost immediately. Okay, fine. It took quite awhile. (My computer needs an upgrade *hint hint*)

Despite the all the energy in my body extinguished, I find myself and my mouse cursor mysteriously drawn to a word somewhere along the 'Artists' list. For just a single word, the magic and power it exhibits is somewhat haunting. I lean closer to the screen to get a clearer look at the word.


As sudden as a purple giraffe coming out of your bathroom, a voice filled my head with thoughts. In an eerie, spine-chilling voice, it screamed out to me.

Click it.

Click it.

Click ittttttttttt...

As un-superstitious as I was, I still wasn't taking any chances. I had watched my fair share of 'stalker/ghost phone call' movies, and fear engulfed me. I felt as if the urine in my bladder was about to burst out in fear. (Okay, maybe that wasn't necessary)

I cringed and bit my teeth as I summoned the remaining 'drops' of energy inside of me. Battling my mind against my unwilling body, I forced my finger down hard on the button, so hard it clicked twice, and collapsed on the floor.

And then, a hauntingly beautiful voice echoes through my ears...

"Yeaa aaa aaa ahhh..."

A fresh breath of life fills my lungs. My heart starts beating. My body gets filled with electricity. I somehow find myself lifted up off the ground by a tremendous energy, and before I knew it, found myself rocking out with my air guitar to the melodic guitar symphonies of Jon Foreman and his band, Switchfoot.

Part 2 in 2 days.

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