Friday, October 26, 2007

#191: Of Drubbings, Hitmen, and La Las

"It's just the start lah."

"Aiya, we all were just giving you chance only."
As the football season progresses, fans of various clubs are mulling over many of their on-the-spot comeback lines made to Arsenal fans after the London club chalks up a victory. Now, as Arsenal extend their winning streak to twelve games (the latest a 7-0 drubbing of Slavia Prague), a sense of worry overwhelms rival fans and their smart-aleck quips.

As Arsenal prepares for match away to Liverpool, I can't help but wonder which fans are panicking. (I'll give you a clue: It's not Arsenal's)

I'm a pretty nice, peace-loving guy. That's why I've decided not to continue to torment rival fans with glorious celebrations of Arsenal and their hot run. So let's not deal on depressing stuff, (for non-Arsenal fans. See how I make such an effort to cater for different types of people?) let's move on to guns and gore galore.

I watched this trailer several months back and was about to lose hope that it wasn't gonna get screened in Malaysia, until two days ago the glorious words of 'Shoot 'Em Up' screamed out to me in the papers.

There's Clive Owen, one of my favorite actors,

there's ONE tasty Monica Belluci *nosebleed*,

and there's, well, shooting 'em up.

And since I said I make an effort to cater to a diverse selection of people, here's something 'exciting' for the xXdarkslayerzXx and ~kool_gurls~ out there.

Looks like la la has no limitations. Be prepared for a whole new level of dosages of 'bleuks' and 'muaxxs'. Buckle your seatbelts, it's gonna be a rough ride.

And I bet you haven't checked THIS out. Go.

I believed I've offended enough rival fans and 'bleuk'-wielding Chinese people, so yes, this is the end.

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