Wednesday, October 24, 2007

#190: The Recipe for 'Happy Cedric'

-Completing a blog just for my drawing, after getting inspired by the uncountable sites/blogs of artists, and now it's up- for you to visit! [click]

-Going shopping for one of Cedric's favorite things: pens. 0.1, 0.3, 0.4 tips, calligraphy pens- you name it, he got it! Throw in some sketchpads and Cedric gets ecstatic. (Not to mention he didn't have to pay a penny for the supplies)

-And of course, what can be sweeter than proving that rock rules over hip-hop, with beating Jared in Fighter's Club part of the package?

Not to mention watching victory come into your hands with 4 seconds left.

Mix well and leave for 5 minutes. Cedric ought to be happy by then.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OHHH... so that's how many pens it takes to draw like an artist! *runs to store and back* Crap, takde wang to afford so many. I can't even buy one sheet of paper.


p.s. The site is very nice.. Did you the writing part as well? Ugh, if you did... i would have to work on my handwriting on top of my drawing skills (of lack there of).