Friday, July 10, 2009

#447: Happy Emoversary

The king of emo celebrated his birthday not too long ago. And this is in his honor.

The 10 most emo guys I know
(Girls? Let's not go there)

10. Dalvin Dinshaw
While his emo may not be as severe, Darling Dal's danger level is similar to that of Chuck Norris with a shot of caffeine.
Emo Level: 5/10
Emo Power: Unexpected physical assaults, dangerous stares
His defining emo moment: Lack of love from someone we shall not speak of here.

9. Bryan Chan
As much as he denies it, 'Ah Boy' brews emo for breakfast every morning.
Emo Level: 5.5/10
Emo Power: Keeping quiet, acting blur
His defining emo moment: The persecution of his archery tan lines.

8. Basil Cha
The nerdy emo boy I call brother. THE STUPID NERDY EMO BOY.
Emo Level: 6/10
Emo Power: Whining to his mummy, engaging in unnecessary wrestling
His defining emo moment: Crying when he couldn't get a girlfriend. True story.

7. Joshua Yee
While his emo damage amounts to that of a kitten on catnip, this boy knows how to make a big deal out of emo. A LOUD, big deal.
Emo Level: 7/10
Emo Power: His voice, corny songs, mood swings, being LOA
His defining emo moment: Leaving his notebook full of emo love songs on my table. (I sell it to the highest bidder)

6. Wong Jun-Min
Don't make him emo. You won't like him when he's emo.
Emo Level: 7.5/10
Emo Power: Driving fast, buying stuff
His defining emo moment: Driving to Genting to get away. And dragging me with him.

5. Joshua Yong
The hurricane of emo underneath is covered up with his special ability, the lame cover-up. Don't be deceived.
Emo Level: 8/10
Emo Power: The lame cover-up, a once-broken arm
His defining emo moment: Nothing. The lame cover-up is THAT good.

4. Joshua Ng
Think Lil' Joshy seems pleasant and nice? Work with him (speaking from experience) and you'll experience the revelation of emo and evil combined.
Emo Level: 8/10
Emo Power: Sharp objects, disturbing thoughts of violence
His defining emo moment: The Bloodbath of Maxis: The day he couldn't collect his SPM Certificate.

3. Wong Wei-Ming
The boy who can never live a day without playing an emo song on his guitar. This kid writes songs so emo that Secondhand Serenade wished he never lived.
Emo Level: 9.5/10
Emo Power: Guitar, long hair
His defining emo moment: The December Song

2. Han Eul @ Hans
This guy brought 'emo back'. All the way from Korea.
Emo Level: 10/10
Emo Power: Skinny jeans, black clothes, longer hair
His defining emo moment: Being Korean and having emo hair.

1. Jeremy Foo
This ain't no jolly teddy bear or huggable giant of love, kids. Ol' Jerry's life is a rollercoaster of emo and happiness, girls and food. See it all here.
Emo Level: 11/10
Emo Power: Blogging
(He's closed about 17 blogs because it all got too emo)
His defining emo moment: Blogging

Happy birthday Jeremy. I love you

And all you emo boys.

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