Wednesday, October 22, 2008

#358: Viva La Genting

If someone asked you what you'd do if you had the suckiest day and were in the dumps, and if you answered going to Genting the next day with (all but one of) your best buddies, boy, are you right!

Look Cybertime!

Me and my M4 Carbine- we're invincible.

Lucky? Nope. It was all skill, baby.

Boys go shopping.

"We're tooo yeers ollll!"

I'm pretty sure I was psyched to be there.


Little Hong Kong Man goes to Genting.

Do not try this at home, kids.

Me and ma' ride.


Josh's Strat went to Genting. (but he didn't- sucker!)

Emo Min struts his stuff.

Can't let him take all the limelight, can I?

Friendster-worthy photo! Where's Josh?

And in honor of Josh's absence, his guitar got one heck of a 'relic-ing'.

And they lived happily ever after.

The End.

And the greatest songwriter in the history of music turns 32 today.

Happy Birthday Jon Foreman!

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