Friday, March 14, 2008

#244: Ah Long Pte Ltd

Unless you're a lost blog-hopper from anywhere-but-Malaysia, I wouldn't have to tell you that one of the distinctive characteristics of Malaysians is being suckers for free gear. (Don't think of yourself as an exception. What if Big Apple were giving out free donuts toda... Hey! Quit pushing!) So being your typical, I-only-shop-when-there's-sale Malaysian, I've grabbed the chance to win two tickets to watch a special screening of Ah Long Pte Ltd.

So basically what I have to do is just answer two questions with as much writing adroitness I can manage to cook up and, I may get those tickets. So, without much further ado...

1) What would you do if you were an Ah Long?
Instead of unveiling a masterminded plan of pure genius, I'd just 'summarize' it, for your reading pleasure...

-As I persevere towards the ultimate goal of becoming the top Ah Long in town, first on my agenda would be to 'eliminate' (I'm a sensitive Ah Long, I don't use the 'k word') rival Ah Longs, of course. I don't really like people in my way.

-So, skipping 'elimination' and all those boring stuff, next on my list would be overthrowing the mayor of the town. Oh. Wait. Townspeople don't really give a hoot about the mayor, really.

-So now I'm the big boss in town. What I say goes. And I say...

-Razer mouses for all cyber cafes in town!

-Donut prices go down! Free for Ah Long, of course.

Neon lights on cars are legal! (Hey, 'think Ah Long', right?)

-Jessica Alba belongs to Ah Long! What I say goes. Don't argue with me, all the straight men on planet earth.

Come to think of it, keep your mouses, donut discounts, and neon lights. Jessica Alba is all an Ah Long needs.

2) Why do you want to watch the movie Ah Long Pte Ltd?
Numerous reasons...

-It's free! (Go cheapskate Malaysians!)

-It's been awhile since I watched a Jack Neo film. I enjoyed his I Not Stupid films, and I've already missed out on The Best Bet and Just Follow Law, so I think a Jack Neo film would do me some good.

-Plus it broke Singaporean box office records. It's gotta be good.

So I conclude here. I've got to pull some Ah Long facial expressions in the mirror now.

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