Wednesday, February 13, 2008

#231: When Cedric Met Jon Foreman: Part 2

Picking up from where we left, the last time I checked, I was face to face with Tim Foreman, and more importantly, I wasn't dreaming.

Tim: Hey, how you doin'?
Me: I'm good. Great concert.

What? Fine. Okay. It was more like this.

Me: I...I'm good. G... Great concert..t.
*Slightly awkward pause as he signs my poster*

Me: I...I'm you guys' biggest fan. You guys are the best. (Woo! I got over stammering. Or so I thought.)
Tim: Really? That's great.
Me: Thanks.
Tim: Alright.

After two steps to the right, I was good as flashbanged. I was face to face with Jon Foreman. Only a table separating the two of us. . . Not that. I wanted. To get any closer. Back on track- my heart was beating more times a second than Aron Tan stole in his whole life(that's a lot, mind you).

Jon: Hi. What's your name?
Me: I'm Cedric.
*Just a little awkward pause*

Me: I... I'm you guys' biggest fan. (I said I was flashbanged, right?)
Jon: Thanks. That's a nice shirt.
Me: Th... Thanks.

He was done signing my poster. No. Not enough. I had to say more.

Me: Good job on your EP. I really loved it. Great stuff!
Jon: Thanks so much.

Life was never so fulfilling (Figure of speech, people.). I'd bet my ang pau money I was one of the few, if not the only person to have said something about his solo EP (Yes, he has one. Did you know that?). I was dazed, so dazed that I was silent the whole time as...



...and Chad...

...signed the poster and shook my hand. Yup, THAT stunned.

What happen afterward is a blur in my memory. If I wasn't mistaken, I was floating among the clouds, until Jun Min said it was time to go.

And the tale concludes.

Author's note: In case you're wondering, why this post wasn't decorated with colorful words complimented by MULTIPLE adjectives, along with some poetry and some other 'Cedric big post' content, like I said, it's probably unfathomable with words describing the feeling. Just let the power of simple language carry you to the clouds I was floating on... Sigh...

Talk about drama, eh? *wink*


Anonymous said...

very awesome artwork man. love it.

switchfoot rocks!

check out my art if you get a chance. thanks:

Anonymous said...

Cedric, let me start by saying I love the art! I like the way you got Jon's blue eyes just right.

Next, let me tell ya I'd probably be the same way- flashbanged. There are no words in the human vocabulary to describe the depth of emotions these guys evoke. Maybe you should have just purred like a cat or a well-maintained Mustang convertible.

Once again, your artwork is totally awesome!

Cedric said...

Thanks for the comments guys! (: