Wednesday, January 23, 2008

#223: Of Poems. And Not So Good Ones.

While we're still in the mood for fine poetry and such, now would be an appropriate time to exhibit a simple contrast between a poem... and a... not-so-good-one.

Math turns my brain to mush,
My mind you cannot rush,
But these numbers- Oh help me!
Math just isn't right for me.

My point is made- so sue me.
by Cedric

Math is so good
Math is like food
Just find the root
And up high you will shoot!

To the tune of God is so good!
by Shakespeare Jasmine

On for round 2? *grin*

"We don't write poetry because we think it's cute,
we write poetry because we are members of the human race,
and the human race is filled with passion."

-Robin Williams as John Keating in Dead Poets Society

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