Thursday, January 17, 2008

#221: Of Lions and Depression

While it may be a tragedy for Aaron or Jean, it'll still count as an 'improvement' for me- I read two books in the past two weeks.

Okay, make that one and a half (one of it's a comic), but I swear I can feel my brainpower increasing.

Pride of Baghdad
(graphic novel)

A 2006 work of pure brilliance by Brian K. Vaughn and Niko Henrichon, Pride of Baghdad accounts a fictionalized version of the true story of four lions that escaped from the Baghdad Zoo after an American bombing in 2003.

Amazing artwork and a strong storyline- Pride of Baghdad gets my vote.

The Colour Of Hope

Not the cheeriest story, but I enjoyed it. While Susan Madison may have given it an 'uplifting' title, let me be honest. Soaked in depression and darkness, I'd advise you not to read this should you be having a bad day. Overall a good read.

And now it's time to take what I've filled my tiny brain capacity with, and empty it- Time to watch How I Met Your Mother reruns!

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