Monday, December 31, 2007

#213: It just seemed like yesterday...

...that the year 2007 had begun. But now as the year comes to close, it's just feel-good memories from the year that all happened so fast- and a few particular events/happenings this year that were really worth remembering.

-Of course, there's being in the committee for Youth Church's annual camp for the first time. The tireless hours spent in preparation and more importantly, prayer, the good times we had as a committee, and of course, enjoying camp itself. Being in the committee definitely taught me patience, diligence, teamwork, the importance of prayer, and ultimately, the need for God in our lives(among the other many things I've learnt).

-2007 for me was also a time where I've continued to strengthen relationships with God, friends, and family. Also meeting and getting to know a lot more people better was great for me this year. Exchanging secrets and sharing laughter and memories- sigh... good times...

-Releasing the new bloomunkee site and my very own art blog were among the many 'artsy' things I've accomplished this year. Other notable happenings were submitting my very first Threadless design (despite not winning), working on more 'projects'-both personal and for customers, getting my drawings/designs printed on t-shirts (for YC Camp and hopefully sometime soon for LoL! Tees), and of course, just enjoying drawing on a whole different level.

-Then there was the extremely good year in the entertainment side for me as well. Really, really good movies were released this year- namely Stranger Than Fiction, Transformers, The Kingdom, The Simpsons Movie, Reign Over Me, and others I've forgotten to name. And there's three mega-awesome albums that came out this year: Switchfoot's 'Oh! Gravity', Paramore's 'Riot!' and John Mayer's 'Continuum'. Really enjoyable and worth listening to again and again. And the ultimate climax of the year, finding out Switchfoot will be holding a concert here in Malaysia next year.

And many others, that complete a memorable 2007 for me-

  • Arsenal hitting fine form
  • A mighty fine December (previous post)
  • My pals Bus Company winning two band titles (MRSC and BOTB '07)
  • Aron and Elselyn leaving and returning to Malaysia
  • Winning RM150 and some other stuff at a badminton tournament

And the list goes on... and on...

Even now as 2008 approaches, I can't help but get excited and look forward to a whole new year, full of excitement and truckload of busy-ness and enjoyment.

But that will have to wait. (update coming soon!)

Until then, Happy 2008.

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