Tuesday, November 27, 2007

#201: Dengkil: Part 2

Picking up from where we left, our mission trip at Dengkil, near the border of Selangor and Negeri Sembilan. I had already 'documented' the first day and our first Sunday service we conducted. So let's continue...

Our 2nd service: In an 'ulu-er' village somewhere in Negeri Sembilan.

We had some time before our next service started, so we stopped by a nearby stream to chill.

The camera was still in my hands during the service, and it was my 'shift' to take care off the kids...

I managed to do some sight-seeing with Abel.

The zinc roof that nearly blinded Josh. Call or email him for the story.

Our 3rd service: We were all showing signs of fatigue, and as a result, the amount of pictures decreased.

This camera somehow avoids snapping shots of the service and goes after the kids instead.

Our 4th (and last! Yay!) service: It was already 8PM and we hadn't eaten yet, so we were REALLY tired by now, so all the holder of the camera could afford was this.

A duck. Yes, a duck.

Fast forward: After another killer dinner at Seremban, we headed back to the church in Dengkil and got ourselves cleaned up...

This was after I had finished owning them in cheat again, and we were hitting the sack.

Monday: We continued the painting of the church, patching up Monday's work, and painting some of the outside walls. No pictures were taken. The job was taken seriously this time, with the knowledge of knowing should we finish early, we could head back to the city and manage an hour or two of Counter-Strike. And finally, when we had completed painting, packed our bags and were ready to be welcomed back home to the Internet and soft beds, we took a final group photo with Pastor David, his wife 'Aunty Yuki' (an inside joke), another church leader who followed us around, and the uncle who taught me how to plant sawi.

(Click on image for larger size) From L-R- Squatting: Sarah, the other church leader(I forgot his name).
Standing, Front row: Debra, Sarah, Celeste, Yvonne, 'Aunty Yuki', Pastor David, Josh, 'Uncle Sawi', David. Standing, back row: Abel, me, Jed.

Overall, it was a memorable trip, where we had learned many things, among them how to kill a tortoise to prepare it for a meal and planting sawi, and yes, we did manage an hour of Counter Strike.

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