Tuesday, November 27, 2007

#200: Dengkil: Part 1

A week ago, a group of five boys (including me!), five girls, and a Samuel Lim embarked on a mission trip to... Selangor. When everybody was hyped up about being in a 'that's-not-on-the-map' state, Samuel found out he had the wrong info. We were in Dengkil, near the border of Selangor and Negeri Sembilan. Going under our youth church's banner, we were to paint a church and conduct a few Sunday services at different villages. It's time I say no more, and let the pictures do the talking.

Saturday: By the time the ol' owner of the camera realized he had brought it along, we had reached our destination, met Pastor David, who would take us to the villages, and had just started painting.

An appropriate picture to get the ball rolling. *wink* It takes skill to paint a window frame. Properly.

What can be tastier than watching fit, young men at work?

This was when I found out lousy Josh Yee had painted my armpit. These unskilled workers... *shakes head*

P/S- I tried to find pics of the girls at work, but what a surprise, no pictures! Makes me wonder whether they were even working.

Fast forward: Painting took up the whole day, possibly because we were giving construction worker names to each other and playing around instead of painting. But eventually, we completed the task at hand, cleaned up, went for a killer dinner, and returned to the church, where we were to spend the night.

Not only does he do the least work, he paints his co-worker's armpit, and flirts with chicks. 'Dees ees my gurrfren. I meees herr but I tink I can steeel flert wif chu."

I don't think they realize that when they pose like that, they look like illegal you-know-whats who just got caught in a raid.

There are times to bum around... (the dude on the phone is David, trying to win Emily's heart, no matter how much credit it costs him)

...and there are times to start owning card games. ESPECIALLY in cheat.

Sunday: The morning after, it's pretty obvious to see who's who. Like...

...The 'non-Christians' (take Abel, for instance), who wished Sunday services started later,

The responsible team leader, Jed, preparing his message for the services,

And the 'chill-lah' guys, specifically Josh Yee and myself, who'd be chilling out to the tunes of Paramore, rather than preparing for the service.

P/S- It's not me. It just so happens whoever was holding the camera didn't snap many shots of the girl's side. Sheesh, sexists.

Our 1st service: Held at the church we slept in.

We started off with a lively session of praise and worship, which soon turned draggy. The song leader possibly sang ten songs, which was long enough to make our city legs ache, and minds distracted.

So we decided that the most good-looking, intelligent member of the group would open to the church with the most members. So naturally, *grin* I was the very first member, who spoke to the very first congregation. (Five people received Christ after my speech. Just kidding. But at least I got one or two 'Amen's.)

Then Jed delivered his message...

...and I got hold of the camera. Just when Sam Lim was about to start talking. (Talk about perfect timing!) So I headed over to the sepak takraw court where some of the members were playing games with the kids.

Oh man. Now they got a baby.

Naturally, I rubbed off some of my awesomeness on them. (The dude on the left was the most outgoing, cutest guy there. I should do a post on him sometime. There's too many of his photos to put up here.)

After the service. Sam scolded us for being 'anti-social', so I LITERALLY listened to 'grandfather stories'. This uncle taught me how to plant sawi.

This post is going on pretty long, and I'm only halfway through. So I'll spare you now, and continue this another day.

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