Wednesday, November 14, 2007

#195: What's in a 'LE'?

The sun shone in all its glory. The birds chirped a melodic chorus worthy of a Grammy. I yawned and stretched as I tumbled out of bed. Looking out the window, I inhaled the deepest breath of the sweetest air, which filled my body and vanquished the last hint of lethargy in my body. I stood up straight and walked out the front door, without even bothering to brush my teeth. I grabbed my surfboard, took another breath of fresh air, and ran out... blog surf.

Mind the anti-climax paragraph above, but I WAS blog surfing, and I saw some fairly interesting blog material. *grin*

This is Daniel Sim's blog.

This is Danielle's blog.

They have fallen in love, just like their owners. Just kidding. Notice the limited amount of words in a single post of both the blogs? (I said I was kidding, okay? Get over it.) The only difference is that Daniel's blog oozes out intellect and wit, and Danielle's, well, does otherwise. Then I remembered this-

This is Denise's Cbox. "Daniel's like an 'LE' away from Danielle!" So judging by the similarities and differences of their blog, 'LE' has to be the difference.

So... what IS 'LE'?

Lousy Elephant? Lochness Emperor? Like Ethan?

You choose.

P/S- By stating "Daniel's blog oozes out intellect and wit, and Danielle's, well, does otherwise", I am not extolling Daniel above all else. Danielle's blog IS an entertaining read. They're both different- in their own, weird way.

And Mr. Sammy Lim backs concludes the point.

Oh, and they don't like each other. Daniel's paramore is
Thesaurus, and Danielle's is Phi... I mean Hersheys. There.

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