Sunday, September 16, 2007

#171: The Joshau Episodes- Part 4

Previewman's voice: "Today on Joshau Episodes, *theme music* the season finale."

It was approximately two in the morning, and the creative department of YC Camp were well past burning the midnight oil in preparation for camp. Aaron, Daniel, and Cedric battled the evil forces of Tyred and diligently pressed on working through the night in their secret base, otherwise known as Aaron's house.

And then, there was Joshua Yee.

He had tagged along, because:

-He was Aaron's number one fan.

-He was Daniel's number one fan.

-He was Cedric's number one fan.

-He was Aaron's mother's number one fan.

-He was... You get the point.

Joshua had already excellently proven his way-too impressive intelligence earlier in the day, (read the two previous posts) and was still persevering as a shining beacon to the lame and the less(I didn't say 'not') intelligent, mistaking the name 'Julie' for 'Jun Min.' Thrice. And also sacrificing his sleep in supporting his three idols in their darkest hour. (What a nice guy)

Let's say Aaron, Daniel, and Cedric aren't in their best moods when they're trying to beat a dateline, giving up sleep, and feeling like a pregnant man. (in Cedric's case) And as Joshua was slowly snipping off fragments of their intelligence, Cedric shifted his attention to his fellow workers.

"Eh. Blogger is so much better than Xanga wei. Equivalent to a Xanga Premium."

It was two in the morning, what else should Cedric talk about? And so the threesome had a short pro-Blogger conversation, and Cedric pointed out that Mei Mei* had a Xanga Premium, which was followed by a little more Blogger supporters' speeches.

And then, out of the blue, Joshua spoke.

"But she's pretty lah."

In almost perfect unison the three heads of Aaron, Daniel, and Cedric turned in the direction of Joshua. And after a few confused eyebrow flexes moment, the three lads had faced a new enemy. Dooknot Luftoolaud Oryur Pairensell Waikup. (must be a Serbian scientist)

*Name has been changed for privacy purposes. Okay, it's just to spare Joshua a LEETLE less embarrassment. Aaron, Daniel, and Cedric are accepting guesses. First three correct answers get ten bonus points!

Note: If you do not understand all of the above, I'd suspect you're another of the guys who didn't get our diver comic, or if you couldn't take the rich language in this post.

Or if you're Joshua.

And thus, Season 1 of The Joshau Episodes concludes. Whether a second season will follow, it all lies in the hands... I mean brain... of Mr. Joshua Yee. Should you be excited or scared?

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