Thursday, September 13, 2007

#170: The Joshau Episodes- Part 3

If you're looking for an inspirational, spirit-lifting post- something life-changing that makes you a better person...


It's 'Joshau Episodes time!' *Theme music plays*

It was a jolly evening, and Joshua was in a van with Jeremy Foo on the way to someone's house for a meeting. What came over Joshua I never knew, but he smugly remarked,

"Eh. Jer. (Jeremy's nickname) You... lost your iPod is it?" *snicker*

"YESSS. I dunwanna talkaboutit."

"Err. The eighty gig one is it?" (Thank God Jeremy was someone who could refrain from punching an irritating, smart-a... err... guy)

"Thirty gig lah."

"Then not so bad wud." Ever felt your fists tightening in sheer pissing-offness?

That was when the handsome character Cedric stepped- well, you can't step into a van right in the middle of no where, but you get what I mean. So Cedric remarked,

"Jer. Silver lining."

And then Josh's moment of pure intelligence came forth.

"Which silver lining? Oh! You mean the one around the iPod ah?"

Let's say I'd rather not waste space on crowding this post with har hars and haw haws.

Eh, Josh. Har har har.

Up next: Season Finale. (Our producers have decided to stop screening this series due to the fear of a huge drop in intelligence. And also because we're nice guys.)

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