Tuesday, July 24, 2007

#135: Make Love?!

What you see here is a short tale of something hilarious that happened to me quite some time ago. I'll say no more! Read on!

It was one day at badminton training when we were standing in a line, like we always do, waiting for our coach to instruct us or do whatever he has to do. It was then when the ever-wise, not-so-English-savvy chief coach came to talk to us. As I looked at his face, I was sure I could see the words 'I'M SERIOUS' scrawled across his forehead. But anyway, what he was TRYING to tell us was that at such a young age, we shouldn't get involved in relationships with the opposite sex and let that distract us from concentrating on badminton. (he's a professional coach, mind you) But being the not-so-English-savvy coach he was, he said something like this:

"Now ah, you all so young, I dowan you all to go and ...(long pause. I think he was looking for the word) 'make love.' (looks like he didn't find it!)"

If there was ever a time where I came closest to dying, this was it. Here I was, standing in the front row, biting my lips and thinking of children's church teachers, (I always think of them when I'm gonna laugh and I'm not supposed to- serious!) as the coach continued with his ever-serious face. And then at the end of his speech he emphasized his point again. And yes, he said "I don't want you all to make love" again. If I'm not mistaken, I couldn't train for the whole remaining session cuz of my laughing inside. Seriously cracked me up!

I didn't feel like updating, but this is an exception. I was thinking of putting it up long before, but I probably had trouble finding the keys on the keyboard in the midst of uncontrollable laughter.

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