Wednesday, July 18, 2007

#130: I Half-Tagged Myself. I'm Improving

I know it's dumb, but when rocking people like Cedric and Danielle (I'll put her name up here cuz I stole this tag from her blog, but that's the only reason) do tags, it becomes cool. So my blog obviously has cool things, doesn't it? So I've obviously got to do a tag!

Layer One: On the Outside
Name: I wish my name was Logan, but I'll settle for a 'common' name like Cedric.
Birthdate: If I put it here, would you buy me a present? Or sabo me?
Current Status: I'm single. I'm hungry. I'm in Kuala Lumpur. (STATE-tus. Get it?)
Eye color: I've got Barbie blue eyes.
Hair color: And blonde hair.
Righty or Lefty: Lefties rock.

Layer Two: On the Inside
Your Heritage: I'm a Chinese that doesn't understand Chinese. I'm so proud of my heritage.
Your Fears: I... I... I'm n..nn...not sc.. sc...scared.
Your Weakness: Getting kicked in the nuts? I AM NOT WEAK! I'm strong. *In Chinese, show-off voice* You see my muscle? You see?
Your Perfect Pizza: With peanut butter, bananas, cinammon, honey, and chocolate ice-cream! *drool*

Layer Three: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

Your Thoughts First Waking Up: Do I have to wake up? And that'd be followed by me turning over and going back to sleep.
Your Bedtime: The time when I go to bed.
Your Most Missed Memory: Redang!

Layer Four: Your Pick

Pepsi or Coke: Coke. Cuz got cooler tin design.
McDonald's or Burger King: Close, but I'd said McDees. Cuz got Happy Meal.
Single or Group Date: I don't like eating dates, I prefer prunes.
Adidas or Nike: Just Do It. Eyerr.
Tea or Nestea: Tea all the way.
Chocolate or Vanilla: I'd agree with Nielle (for once!) and say both.
Cappuccino or Coffee: Cappuccino is coffee, idiot.

Layer Five: Do You..

Smoke: Only when I don't feel hungry. But I can never not feel hungry so I never smoke.
Curse: **** no.
Take a Shower: They're my life. Seriously. Have a Crush: Her name's Ice. Cuz I like to 'crush' ice.
Think You've Been in Love: With Jesus, food, comics, freedom, and Megan Fox.
Go to School: Does staying at home and sleeping on books count as school?
Want to Get Married: *Little boy voice* I don't wanna get married! Girls are gross!
Believe in Yourself: 100%
Think You're a Health Freak: Health and Cedric are the last two words you'll think off together. Maybe not.

Layer Six: In the Past Month

Drank Alcohol: Does wine chicken count?
Gone to the Mall: Oh yeah. And I wanna go again. And again. And again.
Been on Stage: I'm a behind-the-scenes guy. It's all part of the mystery, ladies. *moves eyebrows up and down*
Eaten Sushi: I don't like sushi.
Dyed Your Hair: My hair 'died'. When I cut it.

Layer Seven: Have You Ever

Played a Stripping Game: I wish!
Changed Who You Were to Fit In: I never noticed. But I fit in my clothes just fine. (Except for the 'slightly' small LOL! tee)
Layer Eight: Are You Hoping

To Be Married: Of course. Not. Not. (That means I want to, by the way)

Layer Nine: In a Guy/Girl

Best Eye Color: Megan Fox's eye color.
Best Hair Color: Megan Fox's hair color.
Short Hair or Long Hair: Megan Fox's hair length.

Layer Ten: What Were You Doing

1 Minute Ago: Showering. (told you)
1 Hour Ago: Playing badminton.
4-5 Hours Ago: Eating, I think.
1 Month Ago: I was still a guy.
1 Year Ago: Maybe I was a girl then. I can't remember.

Layer Eleven: Finish the Sentence

I love: Jesus, food, comics, freedom, and Megan Fox.
I feel: free.
I hate: homos. (one of the many things on my list)
I hide: my lover, underneath the covers. (it's from a song lah)
I miss: my miss who missed.
I need: Jesus. And I'm hungry.
I tag: Daniel Sim *grin*, Josh Yee, and maybe Elselyn, if she ever reads this.

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