Wednesday, June 20, 2007

#84: The Guy On The Left is Handsomer

Ladies and gentlemen, what you see before you is a one-of-a-kind piece of photography that will go down in the history books as the only photo at which females human beings will not drool over Samuel Oh Eu Hock. (Well, maybe some girls would drool over his hair, but they'd be mostly weirdos)

According to sources, we have been given two reasons:

1. Because his face is covered, obviously.

2. Why would someone drool over a good-looking guy when an EVEN MORE good-looking guy is next to him?

If this blog ceases to be updated, I'd bet on the legions of Sam Oh's female fans committing a homicide on me.


Anonymous said...


Samuel Oh said...

ZZZomg! i thought this post was nothing until i read the whole thing! idiot.

btw, i agree with point no. 2! =)


Anonymous said...


guess who....

I'm ur biggest fan