Saturday, July 18, 2009

#451: The Truth Hurts, Baby.

"Can I ask you a question?"

Yesterday I went to the ends of the earth with my single, celibate, and surrogate father and MY BEST FRIEND IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD to an NS camp about 2 hours away from KL. (Yes, the world ends after driving for two hours) He got the opportunity to share in the religious studies' class, and he pleaded with asked me to come with him.

So he finished his sharing and there still was some time before the students were released, and being the loving father that he was, he invited me to talk to the campers. And while I was halfway reciting my Facebook profile introducing myself, someone stood up.

A lala guy. (The same one that asked me if I was Korean)

Oh wait.

It was a girl. (Guys in NS don't have any hair! Woops.)

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah sure."

"Are you single?"

"Heh heh.. Nnyes I am?"

And the population of the female campers, including the pretty girl in row 2, rose to their feet, starting yelling ecstatically, looking at if other in unrestrained excitement, celebrating the availability of my love.

Now, at this point (or very much earlier on), you may ponder 'No way he's telling the truth man.' And the fact that my two witnesses will NEVER vouch for me doesn't really help. So I can only conclude to this. To quote a good friend, "The truth hurts."

I'm sorry I hurt you.

1 comment:

crystalcha28 said...

hahahaha my brother is the most perasaan guy in the world..

i'm proud of you. good to be confident in yourself :) the girls can't resist it. :P