Friday, May 9, 2008

#265: Of Narnia, The Golden Avenger, and Camp

Add Prince Caspian to my 'Movies to Watch' list. Sure, the first movie was decent, but nonetheless a flop compared to the magic of the book. Won't be placing high hopes on this second installment, but I believe the directors of the film can only build on their mistakes from the previous film, and eventually when the time comes, hopefully make Voyage of the Dawn Treader one heck of a movie.

And Switchfoot wrote a song just for the film.

And filmed a music video.

I had mixed feelings for Iron Man. For a record-breaking box office sales film, I expected more. The first half started off really, really well.

Then came the second half.

Nothing spectacular, it was all too familiar. (I'd have filled this space with the all too familiar scenes, but I'm not the movie spoiler kind of person.) Maybe because I was never really a fan of Tony Stark and his iron suit. But as of now, Christopher Nolan's Batman Begins still stands as my favorite superhero movie.

Nothing beats the comics though.

And camp draws closer. God help me.

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