Friday, February 22, 2008

#235: I was gonna post up a tag...

...but instead share with you good news of great joy. (Christmas is in the heart, right?)

Like he said in his latest newsletter, Jon Foreman fans are up for a treat in the near future. First of all, his third EP, 'Spring' is slated for an April 15th release, which is coincidently just nine days before my birthday. No hinting there, just thought you would want to know. *wink*

Also, his side project, The Real SeanJon, a collaboration with Sean Watkins from Nickel Creek, will be coming out in the next few months! I'm really looking forward to that one.

AND, Jon's starting work on the next Switchfoot record with Tim. Those deep, meaningful lyrics are coming back!

And finally, go check out Nickel Creek on their myspace. They've got some good stuff up there. They're a different type of an acoustic band, with their own unique sound, which IS nice for a change.

Go go go.

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