Monday, December 24, 2007

#210: A Fairytale

Once upon a time, in the magical land of Malaya, there lived a beautiful princess named Cedric. All his her life, Cedric had been dreaming of a true love's kiss attending a concert held by a prince of the foreign land of the USA, Jon Foreman, and his army of knights, also known as Switchfoot. Even as the years passed, Cedric still found herself awaiting her prince to come and rescue her from the evil world of hip-hop...


Fast forward to modern day Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia (formerly known as Malaya). While encountering a magical wizard, Cedric found himself transformed into an extremely macho, good-looking man. Despite his 'gender reverse', his love for Jon Foreman and Switchfoot grew even stronger. In a not-gay sort of way, of course.

And so one jolly day, Cedric was on his PC, surfing the net, and suffering a bad case of the boredoms. Despite visiting it a day before, Cedric found himself magically drawn to the power of As he browsed through the site, noticing very little changes, he remembered Switchfoot was on an expedition to Malaysia's neighbours, Singapore. Sure, Cedric was a poor servant girl... I mean boy. But his dream was still going strong, so he decided to 'just curiously inquire' about the Singapore escapade.

Clicking 'Tour' on the Switchfoot site and holding his cursor over 'Singapore Max Pavilion- Ticket Link', Cedric's finger was poised to press his mouse button, and then,

'IT' happened.

'IT' was Cedric's ever-distracted eyes fell on a faint group of words just below '1.31 Singapore'. And to his utmost surprise, saw this-

Before we continue, let me say this: "REAL MEN CRY. And giggle sometimes."

Okay. Continue.

Tears of joy streamed down Cedric's face as he sat there, stunned, and staring. Not because they had mispelt 'Kuala Lumpur', but well, it was a dream come true.

Yes, boys and girls, dream do come true. All you need is faith, trust, pixie dust. And I'm sure, very sure, that Cedric will live happily ever after.

The End.

Boys and girls, the story that you have just read is not completely true, but not completely false either. Cedric was a macho, good-looking lad ALL ALONG, and never a *yuck* female. No, Switchfoot is not a group of gallant knights, but a rock band. (One rock band that your parents will let you listen to) Cedric is not a servant boy either, but treated like one by his evil siblings. Other than that, I guess the rest of the story is nothing but the truth.

If any girls named Danielle, Denise, Crystal, Kelsey, or Elselyn tell you I'm not good-looking or macho, kick them and say "Liar!"

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