Monday, December 3, 2007

#203: A Poem For You

It's been awhile,
What else can I say,
I'm updating this ol' blog,
Now don't go away.

My life has been okay,
A fair share of ups and downs,
Now you know that I am,
More than just being 3 clowns.

Wait- you say- three clowns?
But you are only one person,
But- I say- I am funny,
Funnier than a duo, or threesome.

I've been pretty busy,
With stuff for the year end camp,
No- make that REALLY busy,
I've been regularly burning the midnight lamp.

But all's well- we're almost good to go,
If you haven't signed up- Better do,
Cuz it's gonna awesome,
Even if we don't have you.

I've got a reason to shout for joy!
Jon Foreman's 'Fall EP' now adorns,
My Windows Media Player,
And with that- a Foreman fan is born.

And you say to yourself,
Like he was born only now,
That guy is Switchfoot crazy,
Their songs go into him like grass into a cow.

But enough about Foreman,
The hip-hop fans are sooo interested,
Let's talk about something common,
Like Disney movies! Don't get me started.

I watched Enchanted at the mall today,
The amount of corniness- it's not funny anymore,
But what can I say- It's Disney,
Not like you were expecting something like Terminator.

If you're corniness intolerant,
I tell you this- avoid this movie,
Or you'll nosebleed real bad,
And get it all over your tee.

That's all I can think about now,
And I've gotta work on camp stuff,
I'm a busy man- how responsible,
Not like you regular movie buffs.

So I bid thee farewell,
Until the next update,
So remember- sign up for camp,
And don't be late.

Wait that's not a way to end it,
I need something of greater splendor,
I am awesome,
Full stop- not a comma.

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