Monday, September 10, 2007

#168: The Joshau Episodes- Part 1

So I was reminiscing on the loss of one of our church's most celebrated persons, Uncle Dennis (and his coffeeshop), with good ol'd Joshua Yee. And he curiously inquired on Uncle Dennis' whereabouts.

So I patiently explained that his unscrupulous father, who owned the coffeeshop shop lot, had raised the rent (for his own son- how stupid is that), forcing Uncle Dennis (who had experienced this insanity before) to move out and migrate to England where he had a job offer, resulting in the many heartbroken stomachs of our church members.

After my tragic tale, Josh, in ultimate blurdom fashion, said "Then how come he's in Australia?"

I gave him a huh look, and got this reply.

"There, Kelsey said on her blog."

So I went through my brain files, and then this came to mind.

No I will not lasso it properly. I have better things to do.

"Dude! That's Uncle Dennis Balan lah! Her uncle."

Oh man. You can't wait for Part 2, can you?

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