Monday, June 25, 2007

#91: Who Needs Four-Leaf Clovers?

Yesterday was exactly two months after my fifteenth birthday, and surprise surprise, the luckiest, best-est day of my life happened. So just sit back and envy me, readers, as the drama enfolds...

What-happened-that-made-my-day-so-lucky-No. 1: I got my belated birthday present from one of my best-est friends, Elselyn. A sketchbook with tons of pictures of Elselyn on the cover. Something to drool over! I really LOVE it Elselyn! And you even more!

What-happened-that-made-my-day-so-lucky-No. 2: I got my second (yes, it gets even better!) belated present from other dear friends, Topher and Belle. An Etch-A-Sketch, (which is simply addictive) and a piece of the most sacred paper. Yes, it was signed by Switchfoot. (I think it'd be wiser to save space on this post rather than populating it with Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!s) You guys rock! Really RAWK!

What-happened-that-made-my-day-so-lucky-No. 3: I got to go hang out with some goblok friends at the Middle of the Valley instead of stoning at home. (This is also a factor, okay?)

What-happened-that-made-my-day-so-lucky-No. 4: Crystal's persistent whining (okay I'm over-exaggerating) forced us to make a pit-stop at The Body Shop. And there I got reunited with the heavenly chocolate-smelling perfume. Heaven I tell you! (Chocolate Nipple mou? It's an inside joke) And little did I know that little stop provided the perfect timing for the next event...

What-happened-that-made-my-day-so-lucky-AND-THIS-IS-BIG-No. 5: At the mall I bumped into the group of Swedish players. (yes, THAT group) But to my dismay, no sign of Emily. Until (Yes, UNTIL!) I was going up an escalator and Josh Yee jokingly pointed out a white girl and asked "Emily ah?" And God-Bless-Me! (Yes!) IT WAS EMILY! EMILY! My EMILY! (Okay maybe not) But still! And she waved at me! And I waved back! And she smiled! Oh my!!! And what made it all the more satisfactory was I had witnesses. Min, Crystal, and Josh. She was HAWT okay?! Ask them!

What-happened-that-made-my-day-so-lucky-No. 6: We went and watched Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer. A below-average show, but there's *drum roll* JESSICA ALBA! (Not looking the best in blonde, but who's to complain?) I And watching it with Josh Chang gave some slight entertainment to a somewhat dull show.

What-happened-that-made-my-day-so-lucky-No. 7: I was still hyped up about seeing Emily, so I created a masterplan. While some of the girls were shopping and the guys were waiting outside, I devised ways to attract attention and possibly, Emily. From playing leapfrog to playing tag while holding balloons around Center Court to stuffing balloons under our shirts, (only with Josh Yee- the only 'fun' one there) we had ourselves entertained. (No Emily didn't find us)

What-happened-that-made-my-day-so-lucky-No. 8:
The Emily-frenzy triggered me to name my Etch-A-Sketch 'Emily.' (Yup, it's one of the few times I named an object)

What-happened-that-made-my-day-so-lucky-No. 9: My father figure, Jun Min (Stop cursing at the screen at why I picked him and just read on) aka Father Wanka (it's an inside thing) laid out the plan for my love life. (You're not gonna know) And he encouraged me on my choice with Emily and other 'heroic' deeds. Not really a lucky occurrence, but I just thought I'd add this in cuz I'm pretty lazy to tell 'some people' the things that happened that I didn't mention. It's complicated.

What-happened-that-made-my-day-so-lucky-No. 10: We finished hanging out with vanilla ice-cream and messing around at Toys-R-Us. (Magic 8 Ball rocks! Another private joke)

Instead of being a party-pooper and leaving pessimistic messages on my Cbox, try matching this: Present from a hot best friend, getting a new toy, avoiding boredom, smelling good, meeting a HAWT girl you adore, watching a HAWT girl you adore, messing around with your best friend, naming your toy, getting encouragement from 'dad,' and messing around again. I think I'm REALLY lucky.

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